Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Psychodynamic Theory Essay

What Psychodynamic Theory Has to Contribute to Our Understanding of   Counselling in a Multicultural Society? If counsellors are to discern very well their clients of diverse backgrounds or culture and their place in a multicultural society, psychodynamic theory may be particularly helpful in this respect. Theories and techniques used in counselling are diverse and it is imperative for counsellors to know how to use their knowledge of psychodynamic theory in conceptualising systems for both counselling and therapy. In psychodynamic therapy, which is an approach in counselling based on psychoanalytic theories, it is postulated that conscious and unconscious influences mold human behavior and social relationships. This concept of the unconscious is often associated with Sigmund Freud whose contribution in psychoanalysis can not be discounted. Psychoanalytic theory though, is not exclusively Freudian. Freud’s brilliant ideas and theories, were controversial. His theories were under attack from many directions and it was a good thing though that from his perspectives, many other psychoanalytic theories emerged as well. Carl Jung was famous for his collective unconscious and his oriental approach was unorthodox for Western psychoanalytic theorists. D.D. Winnicott’s transitional objects and good- enough mothering for instance, are interesting contributions to psychoanalysis as well. It should be fascinating to explore these theorists’ contribution to systems and approaches of multicultural counselling. In as much as these theorists’ perspectives seem to have distinct or even conflicting orientations, we may have the chance to look upon their theories, in many ways, complementary in the practice of counselling in a multicultural society. Their theories can prove to be useful at any point in counselling (or therapy) sessions in understanding clients, their unique history, individual concerns, and understanding their behavior, the impact of their past experiences to their present condition in life, and some of their underlying motives and beliefs. Sigmund Freud   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Psychoanalytic approaches to therapy and counselling originated from the works of Sigmund Freud. He viewed that people are driven by unconscious influences, a part of their inner world of which they are not aware of. He theorised that repressed unconscious thoughts and feelings could manifest through dreams, fantasies and odd behavior. Until after these repressed forbidden desires, hurtful memories and experiences are brought to conscious awareness, these were presumed to lead to irrational and maladaptive behavior. Based on this concept, effective counsellors can effectively draw upon these repressed thoughts and emotions through psychotherapy to ease their client’s depression or anxiety and to rebuild their client’s self-esteem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Freud’s concept of eros (sexual and life instincts) and thanatos (aggressive and death instincts) are considered motivating factors of personality, with the term libido referring to basic energy of life associated with Eros. Troubled individuals may manifest death instincts through destructive behavior such as, alcoholism, substance abuse, aggression (towards self or others), and even suicide.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Freud theorised that the individual’s behavior is assumed to result from the interaction of three components of the personality: id, ego, and superego. The id is said to be the source of instinctual drives and operate in terms of the pleasure principle. It is capable of eliciting mental images and wish-fulfilling fantasies (Coleman, 1980).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second personality component is the ego, which intercedes between the demands of the id and the external world, and operates in terms of the reality principle. For instance, Freud believed that sexual or aggressive tendencies are in conflict with society’s rules and prohibitions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was clever of Freud to introduce the third personality component, which is the superego, or commonly known as conscience. If one has learned and adapted to the moral demands of society, the individual would have a better grasp of what is right from wrong. The superego serves as personality’s system of control to inhibit immoral desires.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Freud believed in the interplay between the id, ego and superego, and how it becomes crucial to behavior. Inner conflicts may arise because the id, ego and superego are striving for different goals. Inner conflicts could manifest as a mental disorder if not resolved. Another important psychoanalytic concept of Freud is defense mechanisms. For him, whatever pains or anxieties are eased by distorting reality, if one can not deal with it rationally (Coleman,, p. 54). Therefore, an individual’s distorted perception of reality poses behavior problems. This only happens though when the ego can no longer cope with the pain or anxiety by rational measures. Freud’s contribution to developmental psychology is his theory on five Psychosexual stages: the oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages.   He believed that these stages of development could determine one’s defenses, anxieties, and impulses. A child who has been deprived of fully experiencing any of these stages may suffer fixation at that stage of development. The first three stages of development, the oral, anal, and phallic stages, are the most crucial, as one’s personality is molded at this time. If fixation happens at any point during this period, then the child would likely develop distinct personality type. From birth to 1 year (oral stage), the mouth is the principal erogenous zone and it is assumed that an infant’s greatest source of gratification is sucking. If the caregiver is overindulgent or depriving, then the child is likely to develop fixation at this stage. Some traits associated with overindulgence are optimism, manipulativeness, boldness and admiration. On the other hand, deprivation would lead to traits such as pessimism, suspiciousness, self-belittlement, passivity, and jealousy. Further, as Freud theorised, fixation at this stage, or when the individual did not receive adequate oral gratification during infancy, the individual is predisposed to excessive drinking or eating in adult life. When the child is about 18 months to 3 years (anal stage), the anus and rectum are considered to be the primary sources of pleasure. Either an excessive demand or permissiveness from a child’s caregiver, will lead to the development of anal personality. Other psychological problems that are thought to arise from this stage are obsessive-compulsivity and paranoia. During the phallic stage, or when the child is about 3 to 6 years old, the penis or clitoris is assumed to be the major source of pleasurable sensation. At this stage, the child learns to manipulate the genitals and becomes curious about the opposite sex. Curiously enough, Freud also believed that it is at this stage when the child develops intense sexual feelings for the parent of the opposite sex, or otherwise known as Oedipus and Electra complex. The Oedipal complex is the perception that boys desire to possess their mother. Freud thought that boys have incestuous cravings for their mother, even sees their father as rival, but they have fear that the father will harm them (castration anxiety). Likewise, the Electra complex is the assumption that girls desire their father, and want to replace their mother. The fear of the same-sex parent leads to sublimation of their sexual attraction for the opposite sex parent into non-sexual love, and they learn to identity instead to their same-sex parent.   For either sex, it imperative for them to resolve the conflict, such that when they enter young adulthood stage, they are likely to have a satisfactory heterosexual relationship. In the years from 6 to 12 (latency stage), sexual motivations are put aside and the child channels his energy into school, play, shared activities with friends, and sports. Finally, the genital stage, which is from puberty onwards, the deepest feelings of pleasure come from heterosexual relations. At this stage, the individual channels his energy into socially acceptable ventures such as entering into romantic relationships, establishing friendships, career planning and also some recreational activities.   Freud’s cathartic hypnosis was popular during his time, but more than the technique of hypnosis as a therapeutic cure to psychological illnesses, was his concept that feelings were drawn from the unconscious. His contribution stands out in the sense that he was the one who developed techniques such as free association and dream analysis in dealing with both the conscious and unconscious aspects of mental health. Freud emphasized the role of the unconscious motives and ego-defense systems, and the importance of early childhood experiences in the personality adjustment and maladjustment of adults, as well as the relevance of sexual factors in human behavior and mental disorders (Coleman,, p. 57). Freud’s techniques now used in contemporary psychodynamic counselling provide much deeper understanding of the (client’s) self, and can prove to be helpful in emotional, spiritual development and self-awareness. Carl Jung   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the most original and controversial features of Jung’s theory on personality was the concept of collective unconscious. He theorised the existence of universally shared motives, drives, potentials, fears and symbols – that human beings have more or less the same collective unconscious. Collective unconscious is defined as the â€Å"storehouse of latent memory traces inherited from one’s ancestral past† (Hall & Lindzey, 1978, p. 119). Simply put, with this theory, there is probability of reviving experiences of past generations. â€Å"Humans are born with many predisposition for thinking, feeling, and perceiving according to definite patterns and contents that become actualized through individualized experiences† (Hall & Lindzey).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If Freud’s â€Å"unconscious mind† is often associated with repressed forbidden desires, hurtful memories and experiences, Jung’s collective unconscious is a vast resource of subliminal contents and potential, which includes the â€Å"wisdom and experience of uncounted centuries, and laid down in its archetypal organs† (Jung, cited in Hall & Lindzey, p.120). The collective unconscious can then serve a very good purpose to the individual. But, if this ignored by the ego, â€Å"the unconscious may disrupt the conscious rational processes by seizing hold of them and twisting them into distorted forms (Hall & Lindzey, p.120).   Instances of irrational behavior could arise such as phobias and delusions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jung believed that the individual achieves completeness or wholeness only as fantasies, images and dreams from the personal and collective unconscious become accessible to the conscious self (Coleman,, p.58).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jung’s concept of archetypes refers to patterns of behavior within the unconscious mind. The most common of these archetypes are the persona, shadow, self, and anima and animus. The persona is tantamount to the social personality – the â€Å"face† an individual has in his social relationships. A healthy persona could then mean good adaptation to the demands of society or the environment where one belongs. In some respects, Jung’s concept of the persona is similar to Freud’s superego. The shadow has some resemblance to Freud’s concept of the id. It is considered the hidden or dark side of personality that sometimes the individual is not even aware of. This part of the psyche would be difficult to accept. If a certain trait of another distress an individual, then this could be a reflection of his shadow. Traits such as laziness, attention-seeking, anger expression, etc., are usually kept from consciousness and is often projected to others. The self can be considered the sum total of one’s personality, the motivating factor of human behavior that causes one to constantly strive and attain wholeness. It was Jung’s view that the self can only emerge only if various aspects of the personality have fully developed (known as individuation) (Hall & Lindzey, p. 124). Thus, this does not happen until one has reached middle age when one â€Å"begins to make a serious effort to change the center of personality from the conscious ego to one that is midway between consciousness and unconsciousness† (Hall & Lindzey). Jung believed that one takes the journey toward individuation, spending almost half of his life individuating, and the second integrating. This concept has direct application and relevance to career counselling. Notice that most individuals who reach middle age begin to have more focus and sense of purpose, not wasting their time and energy where they do not fit or are not welcome, and extending effort only in activities that will lead them to their true calling. Somewhat parallel to Freud’s Oedipus and Electra complex which prove relevant to understanding one’s heterosexual adjustment is Jung’s anima and animus. This is much like the â€Å"yin and yang† of the Chinese, the masculine and feminine side of human personality. The role of biological hormones cannot be discounted, but from a Jungian perspective, this is more considered to be a product of racial experiences of man with woman and vice versa. Jung’s anima and animus may be of relevance in understanding man-woman relationships in a counselling setting. Man is supposed to â€Å"apprehend the nature of woman by virtue of his anima, and woman apprehends the nature of man by virtue of her animus† (Hall & Lindzey, p. 123), and without regard to the real character of the other, their relationship will most likely lead to discord. Donald Winnicott   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The influential concepts of transitional objects, the good-enough mother and the true and false self are attributed to Winnicott. A transitional object is some sort of a security blanket for a child. It could be a favorite stuffed toy, baby blanket, pillow or any symbolic object that a child finds comfort in having. A transitional object helps a child cope with fear while their principal caregiver is away. The most influential person (object) during a child’s development would be the principal caregiver. In a counselling setting, the counselor serves as the transitional object, who gradually helps his client overcome frustrations and develop greater independence over time. The good-enough mother pertains to the principal caregiver whose parenting style fit the child’s developmental needs. Winnicott believed that caregivers have to be good-enough in providing the child’s needs, but not too much. They have to teach children as well to tolerate frustrations, and teach them the lesson of independence and self-sufficiency. Winnicott theorized that children’s needs, if not adequately met, could help develop a false self (this is somehow identical to Freud’s concept of fixation). On the other hand, when children’s needs are adequately provided, then, they are likely to develop a true self. A relationship based on trust, a relationship that is more real, will grow between the caregiver and the child. This concept may apply to counselor (or therapist)-client relationship. An effective counselor knows how to provide a safe â€Å"holding environment† for his client, and is adaptive to his client’s needs. The counselor knows how to respond to his client’s emotions with warmth and empathy, thus helping his client reveal his true self. References Coleman, James C., James N. Butcher and Robert C. Carson. Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life (6th ed.). Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company. Dakai, S.H. (2003). â€Å"Addiction Counseling: Examination of Various Addiction Counseling and Therapy Approaches.† Journal of Addictive Disorders. Breining Institute. Hall, Calvin S. and Lindzey Gardner (1980). Theories of Personality (3rd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. McGinnis, James D. and Kenneth R.Thomas (1991). The Psychoanalytic Theories of D.W. Winnicott as Applied to Rehabilitation. The Journal of Rehabilitation. 1 July 1991   

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Food Security

Kirsten Highsmith February 1,2013 Eng & Humanities 2-1 Etymology Imperialism 1. (Noun): A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force; (Noun) The system, policies, or practices of such a government; (noun) an instance or policy of aggressive behaviour by one state against another 2. Imperialism originated in 1826 in a Napoleonic context, â€Å"advocacy of empire,†also of Rome and of British foreign policy, from imperial and -ism. At times in British usage with a neutral or positive sense relating to national interests or the spread of the benefits of Western civilization. . Imperialism is still in use. 4. Although Imperialism originated in 1826 it was first recorded 1878. It was picked up in Communist jargon by 1918. The term Imperialism applied to Western political and economic dominance in the 19th and 20th centuries. (etymonline. com) 5. A modern, interesting use of the word is that â€Å"Imperialism† is the name of a turn- based Strategy video game. Matrix 1. (Noun): An environment or material in which something develops; (Noun): A mass of fine-grained rock in which gems, crystals, or fossils are embedded; (Archaic)The womb; Archaic)The formative cells or tissue of a fingernail, toenail, or tooth; (Noun) A rectangular array of numeric or algebraic quantities subject to mathematical operations 2. Matrix originates from the Latin, female animal used for breeding, parent plant, from matr-, mater. Its first known use is 1555. Its also from the Old French word matrice. 3. Matrix is still in use, except for the third definition listed above. 4. â€Å"Matrix† is the Latin word for womb, and it retains that sense in English. It can also mean more generally any place in which something is formed or produced. The term â€Å"matrix† for an rray of numeric or algebraic quantities subject to mathematical operations was introduced in 1850 by James Joseph Sylvester. (ualr. edu) 5. A modern or interesti ng use of the term â€Å"Matrix† is that â€Å"Matrix† is the name of the brand new 2012 Toyota sports Car Sugar 1. (noun): A sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants; (noun):Used as a term of endearment or an affectionate form of address; (noun): A psychoactive drug in the form of white powder 2. Sugar first originated in the late 13 century, â€Å"sugre†, from Old French. Its Medieval Latin word was succarum, and its Arabic word being sukkar 3. Sugar is still in use. . Sugars Old World home was India and it remained exotic in Europe until the Arabs began to cultivate it in Sicily and Spain; not until after the Crusades did it begin to rival honey as the West's sweetener. 5. A modern or interesting use of the term sugar is that it is the name of a American alternative rock band which was first formed in 1992. Necromancer 1. (noun): A person who practices necromancy; a wizard or magician 2. Necromancer originated in c. 1300, from the Old French w ord nigromansere, 3. Necromancer is still in use. 4. The word necromancer is adapted from the word necromancy meaning a form of magic nvolving communication with the deceased. The word â€Å"necromancy† is adapted from Late Latin necromantia. Early necromancy volved from shamanism, which calls upon spirits such as the ghosts of ancestors. 5. A modern or interesting fact about the word necromancer is that in the popular video game Guild Wars a necromancer is a playable character who can call on the spirits of the dead, and even death itself, to overpower enemies and assist allies. Works Cited 1. â€Å"Dictionary. com. † Thesaurus. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. 2. â€Å"Etymology. † Behind the Name:. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. 3.EtymologyAbout Our Definitions: All Forms of a Word (noun, Verb, Etc. )Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n. d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. 4. â€Å"Online Etymology Dictionary. † Online Etymology Dictionary. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. 5. Dictionary. com. Dictionary. com, n. d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. Kirsten Highsmith February 1, 2013 Humanities II 2-1 Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa Food Security can be translated into many different definitions. Webster’s definition of it is, â€Å"Food security refers to the availability of food in sufficient quantity in a safe and nutritious form and one's access to it for a healthy and active life. This definition for food security clearly sets out the different sections involved when discussing food security, globally. These sections include many different aspects of food security. For example: the physical availability of food, and economic access to food, and the sustainability of these aspects to deliver adequate levels of food security. â€Å"In Sub-Saharan Africa today, almost 33 percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa lack sufficient food security†( â€Å"Achieving Food Security in Africa: Challenges and Issues†1). The region of Africa as a whole remains constant to frequent food crises and famines hich are triggered by droughts, floods, and economic downturns. Food Security in sub-Saharan African households has been lowered because of the countries inability to produce the right resources to import food. Sub-Saharan Africa is dependent on agriculture which is most vulnerable to climate change making many methods of development futile but few methods supply satisfactory results. The use of agriculture can improve food security in sub-Saharan Africa by changing to different farming techniques such as using mulching, composting and crop rotation. Mulching in Africa can help improve food security in a multitude of ways. Mulches are materials placed over the soil surface to maintain moisture†(treesaregood). By using mulching plants and vegetables are able to contain moisture even under extreme weather conditions. This is beneficial to Sub-Saharan Africa because of the many droughts they get, it is har der for plants and vegetables to grow and soon end up dying. By maintaining water plants are able to grow healthier and stronger. Water conservation is not the only thing mulching can help with. â€Å"Coupled with conserving moisture mulching prevents the compression and crusting of the soil aused by watering, and rain†( Russell). Because of the unpredictable rain in the Sub-Saharan, the soil is compressed and losses water which leads to the drying out and crusting of plants. By using mulching it helps stops moisture from traveling up through the soil, and leaving behind the dissolved minerals as a crust which would have blocked the plants from growing to the surface. Mulches also provide food for earth worms. â€Å"Earthworms are a valuable resource in the garden, Earthworms tunnel deep into the soil allowing air and water to easily reach plant roots†( mulchingaround).By mulch attracting earthworms plants are able to obtain water and oxygen easier which allows the soi l to become richer and grow faster, which is exactly what the soil in the Sub-Saharan needs. Mulching helps improve food security by allowing plants and vegetables in the Sub-Saharan to grow at a faster rate which can be harvested and available more to different parts of the region. Tons of waste is generated through Africa and usually ends up in wastelands or turned into open dumps. Composting is an easy way of getting rid of waste in the Sub-Saharan and at the same time helping the environment. Composting is to fertilize with a mixture of decaying organic matter. †(Dictionary). Compost decomposes all the organic material and creates soil. By creating soil, it allows for a lot more room to plant and grown food making it widely available and easy to access. . â€Å"Small-scale farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa and the entire African continent can improve yields by up to 100% through combining fertilizer micro dosing and manures application†( New Farming Techniques Help Impr ove Food Security). By adding different types of compost together farmers in the Sub-Saharan can help improve soil and plant growth by 00%, this percentage can drastically help improve food security all over the African region by using organic materials to help create compost. By using compost, Africa’s plant growth can improve by enriching the soil that it gets its nutrients from. â€Å"Compost also has the benefit of adding organic matter to the soil†( The New Vision for Agriculture: Transforming agriculture through collaboration). By adding organic material to soil it gives it the nutrients it needs to grow faster and helps contain water. There have also been new methods of composting called a â€Å"Compost toilet†. Composting toilets are toilet systems which treat human waste by composting and dehydration to produce a useable end-product that is a valuable soil additive†( What is a Composting Toilet? ). Compost toilets allow waste entering the toilet t o be evaporated into the atmosphere through the vent leaving amount of soil to be used as a natural fertilizer. As helpful as compost toilets are they are quite expensive which makes it harder for Sub-Saharan to use and can slowly but surely improve the food security issue. Crop rotation in sub-Saharan Africa isn’t anything new and has been allowing a more diverse roup of foods to grow which expands the choice of food. â€Å"A crop rotation is a series of different crops planted in the same field following a defined seasonal order† (merriam-webster). There is a wide diversity of cropping systems in sub-Saharan Africa. â€Å"A three years' trial was held in a farmers' field in Ghana to study the effect of sole crops â€Å"crops that are grown alone† compared to conventional crop rotation†( Magdoff). The studies showed that crop rotation allowed a faster growing and more diverse choice of food by using crop rotation. Through rotations, labor is educed and b etter distributed throughout the year allowing for a more organized labor structure. â€Å"Crop rotation can also balance the production of residues by alternating crops that produce few and or short-lived residues†(Toensmeier). This allows a lesser amount residues left over and allows them to be removed. With more residue removed it easier to grow more plants as well. â€Å"Many crops may have positive effects on succeeding crops in the rotation, leading to greater production overall†(Kroeck). Because of the positives effects of crop rotation sub-Saharan Africa has made it one of its number one food security support methods.By allowing greater production crop rotation allows for better access to food and availability which increase the amount of food security in the Sub-Saharan and other counties. There are many different reasons why Sub-Saharan Africa suffers from low food security one of them being the effect of greenhouse gases on the environment. â€Å"Greenhouse gas emissions per person from urban waste management activities are greater in sub-Saharan African countries than in other developing countries, and are increasing as the population becomes more urbanized†( waste management through composting in Africa). As Africa becomes more rbanized the waste becomes greater and harder to contain. The waste from greenhouse gasses effects the agriculture making it hard to grow food, which lowers its food security even more. Climate change also plays a huge role in agriculture. â€Å"African countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change because of their dependence on rain fed agriculture, high levels of poverty†(Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture). Because of the ever changing climate and the dependence on rain, it makes agriculture hard to become fully sufficient, if the crops aren’t getting enough rain and minerals needed.Manpowered labor is a necessity in increasing food security through agriculture. â€Å"It is to be expected that the HIV/AIDS epidemic will cause serious damage to the agriculture sector in those countries, especially in countries that rely heavily on manpower for production. †( V. IMPACT ON AGRICULTURE). Because of the HIV/AIDS epidemic many farmers and workers have become ill and unable to produce crops which leads to declining yields and agriculture production. The reduction of production because of HIV/AIDS in Africa has led to food insecurity. After researching the food security situation in sub-Saharan Africa and food security in ther countries the research shows that they cannot improve if more attention and support is not given to agriculture development. By using crop rotation, mulching and composting, farmers can cultivate their farms and use the same plots in repeatedly. Crop rotation allows for a more diverse choice of food and greater production overall. Mulching conserves moisture and improves the fertility and health of the soil. Composting is used as a soil conditioner and natural fertilizer. One major benefit of these farming methods is that it allows people to stop using slash and burn cultivation.Agriculture can be the basis for solid and diversified economic growth. Works Cited 1. â€Å"Agriculture and Food Security | World Economic Forum – Agriculture and Food Security. † Agriculture and Food Security. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. 2. â€Å"Compost. † Organics South Africa. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. 3. â€Å"CSIRO. † Facing Africa's Food Security Challenges. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. 4. Devereux, Stephen, and Simon Maxwell. Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa. London: ITDG, 2001. Print. 5. â€Å"Economist Intelligence Unit. † Global Food Security Index. N. p. , n. d.Web. 17 Jan. 2013. 6. â€Å"New Farming Techniques Help Improve Food Security. † New Farming Techniques Help Improve Food Security. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. 7. â€Å"New Farming Techniques He lp Improve Food Security. † Solomon Times Online RSS. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013. 8. â€Å"SECTION I: SOIL COMPACTION-CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES. † Soil Compaction: Causes, Effects, and Control. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Feb. 2013. 9. â€Å"Reusing Organic Solid Waste in Urban Farming in African Cities: A Challengefor Urban Planners. † Urban Agriculture in West Africa. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Feb. 2013.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 28

Marketing - Essay Example The growing interest in health and fitness may be viewed as an offshoot of the increasing modernization and affluence in lifestyle, particularly in the urban areas. Evidence of the importance accorded personal fitness and well-being is the growth of this industry for the tenth consecutive year; according to the 2010 FIA State of the UK Fitness Industry Report, 122 new facilities opened across the country during the 12 month period ending in 31 March 2010. Although national GDP contracted by a record 4.9% for the same year, the fitness industry remained strong at â‚ ¤3.8 billion, with 7.4 million members and growing (The Leisure Database Company, 2007). Because of the strong competition and the potential buyers into this particular service, there is a need for well-managed marketing management to bring the company to customers’ attention. Marketing is â€Å"the commercial process involved in promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service† (Princeton University, 2011). The aim of marketing is to provide information and encouragement for those who would benefit particularly from the services provided by Bodyproud Fitness, that is, those who would find the company’s geographical location, price range, and product offerings appropriate for their particular needs. In the case of Bodyproud, marketing research would include a more precise estimation of the company’s potential demand for the various products it offers – gym, aerobics and yoga, and nutritional advice. This estimation includes a more thorough description of its target consumer profile, in terms of demographics, statistics, and future trends. It requires a determination of the affordable price range, the preferred product features, and the possible future likes and dislikes of the said market. (For price, Bodyproud may have to adjust its $100 initial and $500 monthly fee, depending on its research update.)

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Linguistic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Linguistic - Essay Example Although OED describes itself as descriptive by taking a more objective approach: allowing English users to utilize words according to which way they think is more appropriate; somehow, it is not as descriptive as other dictionaries like Merriam Webster’s or American Heritage considering that it subdues itself from adopting slang, newly-created words. For example, both Merriam Webster’s Dictionary and OED recognizes the word â€Å"skunk†; nevertheless, OED sticks with the original meaning while Merriam Webster’s Dictionary takes a new definition of the word which means â€Å"an obnoxious or disliked person† (Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, â€Å"Skunk†). OED claims that "it traces the development of English from the earliest records, and formally from 1150 AD, up to the present day" (Oxford English Dictionary, â€Å"Guide to The Third Edition of the OED†). Anyone can nod as to the looseness of the rules in this dictionary, but still, it has the slightest leanings towards prescriptivism. Acocella (5) asserts â€Å"the most curious flaw in the descriptivists’ reasoning is their failure to notice that it is now they who are doing the prescribing.† OED and other descriptivist dictionaries are becoming more of a trendsetter rather than an agency to respond to the changing needs of the society. However, OED’s belief that it’s a descriptivist dictionary but claims it â€Å"does include information on which usages are, or have been, popularly regarded as ‘incorrect’† may just be a sign that it’s not fully descriptivist

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hong Kong and the Impact of Cyber Crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hong Kong and the Impact of Cyber Crimes - Essay Example Nonetheless, no process is without a flaw; and many take advantage of this fact to steal from individuals and organizations that engage in e-payments. Despite all efforts of the government to restrain cyber crimes, and of information technology specialists to fortify domain firewalls, anxieties related to online transactions are mounting, and in a way, adversely affect international marketing endeavors. I. E-payment and Cybercrimes Electronic payments â€Å"refer to the systems and strategies required to enable the actual disbursement of funds electronically. It is concerned not only with the electronic transactions themselves, but also with the infrastructure required for billing and buyer authentication† (Botha and Geldenhuys, 2004, p. 67). The funds may be in the form of electronic checks, credit cards, purchasing cards, and electronic cash (Rainer and Cegielski, 2007). Authentication typically involves the username and password tandem, although other institutions support e xtended verification systems. For instance, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) provide internet bankers with security device, while Emirates NBD incorporate the CHIP and PIN technology in all debit accounts. A team of researchers from Indiana University and Microsoft Corporation reported that major e-payment systems, e-retailers and e-commerce platforms have system security software glitches that can be abused by illicit websites to divert payments, or obtain goods for free or at reduced prices (Demery, 2011). Meanwhile, the Internet Fraud Complaint Center in the United States receives 200,000 consumer complaints per year, with securities and commodities fraud encompassing 16 percent (Miller and Jentz, 2009). Banks that rely heavily on online operations are at risk of losing profits as consumers also lose confidence on the security of online banking, specifically electronic payment of bills. Yet, although perpetrators of cyber crimes generally victimize financial serv ice companies, the Anti-Phishing Working Group has recorded cases of attempts to exploit â€Å"social networking and gambling sites† as well (CIO, 2007, p.36) II. Cyber Crimes in Hong Kong The Census and Statistics Department reveals that 76 percent of households in Hong Kong have computers, 73 percent of which maintains broadband connection; and about 63 percent of firms use personal computers, 98 percent of which do regular emails (Cagape, 2010). The figures clearly indicate that majority of the population in Hong Kong engage in online pursuits, and a significant portion of businesses are conducted via the internet. This alone leaves the country a viable target for cybercrimes. Speakers at the Information Security Summit 2008 reported an increase of 44 percent in hacking attacks in Hong Kong between January and October 2008, while the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) stated that during the same period, they have already dealt with 483 incidents of cyber crimes (Spam Fighter, 2008). Unfortunately, Hong Kong is also deficient in internet laws and certain websites are criticized for mediocre security features. Michelle Chan of Herbert Smith law firm observes that existing internet laws in Hong Kong are appropriate for misconducts in the early 1990s, but no further amendments were effected since then. On the other hand, this does not mean

Friday, July 26, 2019

Hegel's impact on Christianity 19th Century Europe and Kierkegaard's Research Paper

Hegel's impact on Christianity 19th Century Europe and Kierkegaard's opposition to his teachings on Christianity - Research Paper Example His belief was that Christianity was the best form of religion practiced amongst all others and the Lutheran sect of Christianity was of a higher form when compared to Catholic, Puritan or Anglican sects. The main idea of Hegels dialectic is that all things and notions have internal contradictions. From Hegels point of view, understanding a thing or a notion will show that beneath the facade of an apparently simple view lies an inner contradiction. This inner contradiction would dissolve the simple form to a higher level, complex thing or idea that would properly withhold the contradiction. The triadic form of Hegel (being-nothingness-becoming/ immediate-mediate-concrete/ abstract-negative-concrete) describes this movement from inner contradiction to higher-level integration or unification ultimately gaining self realization which is the â€Å"absolute idea or knowledge† of mind and spirit or the closest, one can come to God. Hegel had given the need for dialectics and stated it is required to study things as they are and from there to show the bounds of partial classes of understanding. He referred to his dialectic as â€Å"the experience of consciousness† and its phen omenology as â€Å"the science of the experience of consciousness† (qtd. in Beiser 20). At the time of German idealism which was started by Hegel along with Fichte and Schelling he borrowed Kants theory of immanent ism and made it more radical or fundamental. Kant had modified enlightenments dogmatic emphasis on the world that is empirical and Hegel approved of it. However Kant had progressed till the â€Å"idealism of the finite† and according to Hegel it was not enough. Hegel wanted to develop idealism further so that faith and knowledge are inter-related and gelled together in the Absolute. He said that the traditional age old evidences of Gods existence were the

Compare two Human Resource Information System (HRIS) software Term Paper

Compare two Human Resource Information System (HRIS) software - Term Paper Example In some cases, it also takes care of expenses and reimbursements for the employees. This module takes input from the time and attendance for the employee attendance, compensation management and employee information database. Time & Attendance – This module involves implementation of shift management, time-sheets, leave quota management, and leave approval/rejection. In an advanced system, this is integrated with attendance tracking systems like biometric or punch cards. Performance Management – This module is used to measure the performance of all the employees in the organization. The performance management system is linked to the learning management system to identify appropriate learning courses in order to improve the performance. Learning management – This module is made to ensure that the employees are continuously learning. This module enables the organization to have a defined learning catalogue and employees to register for learning in order to learn new skills or add to the existing one. Employee and HR Self-service – This is a web based portal that ensures that all the employees and HR can access their authorized area of the HRIS over web. An employee or an HR can log into the portal and carry out her activities from the system over web. There are a large number of HRIS available in the market. The market is led by SAP and Oracle PeopleSoft for the larger companies. For small and medium sized firms, there are various other solutions. People-Trak HRMS and BambooHR Software are key players in this market. Most of the HRIS now are available in a SaaS model, where the customer is not required to install anything, not procure any hardware and does not have to make any significant capital investments. This analysis compares the two systems. People-trak HRMS is a product of Technical Difference, Inc. which is involved in developing HR software for the last 20 years. People-track is their most widely used HR system. The

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Issues involving the implementation of mobile learning technologies Essay

Issues involving the implementation of mobile learning technologies - Essay Example Considering the wide span and quick progress of technology over the last decade, it goes without saying that there are multiple forms where technology can be used to foster student learning, be it distant or in-campus education. This far-reaching potential of technology constitutes synchronous and asynchronous learning (Piskurich, 2003). The first term is similar to what’s conventionally the class-room learning, where the students or participants are present and real-time lecture delivery takes place. The use of technology here is in various forms, such as e-meeting, e-conference (video/tele-conference), virtual classrooms, radio technology and live streaming etc. Asynchronous is a kind of passive form of distant learning, which allows the student or participant to access lecture notes and study material at their own convenience. The schedule here is more flexible for the student, who may take notes whenever possible for them. The means used here are email, audio or video reco rdings, print materials, message board forums etc. (Belanger & Jordan, 2000). Challenges and Obstacles The basic challenge in the use of technology to foster student learning is the adaptability factor. It is a major responsibility on the part of the organization or institution to extend access as well update and enrich the resources available to a medium online or at the form of technology being used. Although the phenomenon of distant learning might be a very attractive one for institutions, and may come with positive factors like an increased enrollment, greater creativity for the faculty in their teaching techniques, supporting â€Å"education for all† slogans, cost and time saving etc., yet it possesses a plethora of challenges and obstacles which have to be covered before the long-term benefits are realized. Before a thing such as distant learning is popularized, it has to be advertised enough to the people to understand the need of it. Lack of such an understanding mig ht give a severe blow to the initiative taken and the institution could incur high losses. This involves a collective change in the perception of learning and teaching, as opposed to the traditional classroom practice. It calls for almost a revolution in this field and a major change in the administrative planning, organization and day-to-day management. More important is technology adaption, which not only involves agreeing to adapt the said phenomenon, but also calls for a huge investment and development of related infrastructure in the form of state-of-the-art technologies with consistent technological updates. Unless it is very worthwhile and/or its long term benefits are kept in view with knowledge of short term loss period, most institutions or organizations would not prefer to revert to distance learning phenomenon. This investment is not only on the part of the institution, but also the people to whom the services are intended to be delivered to. Not the same, but a fair amo unt of technological availability will be mandatory for the receptors of distant learning, which would come from their willingness to invest in it. Hence this way, it is not just an institutional

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ree speech on the Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ree speech on the Internet - Essay Example This is why terror groups use the internet to upload images of inhuman executions and issue terror threats with intent of causing panic and disruption of normal day to day operations. When such information is posted on the internet, it is quickly distributed to countless individuals through social media and other platforms such as email. This makes it impossible to extract such information from the public domain. With restrictions, such information cannot be uploaded to the internet since the source will be afraid that the information will be easily traced to him if control mechanisms are installed. This enhances the security situation of a country and the world at large. Secondly, the internet has been changed into an immoral world where materials such as hate speech, pornography and other lewd materials can be carelessly made available to the general public including underage children. Hate speech is capable of causing public unrest to the extent of causing riots and civil unrest. Unrestricted postage of pornography leads to moral decay since children who frequent the internet are bound to land onto this content. With restricted free speech on the internet, individuals issuing hate speech can be easily be traced for prosecution. Pornographic material made available to the general public including under age children can be controlled and minimized for the benefit of the society. Last but not least, the internet’s purpose is diluted when unrestricted free speech is allowed. Unrestricted speech means that information can be made available to a target audience without confirmation of how legit it is. The internet is an important tool for passing out information. With unrestricted free speech, the internet’s credibility and purpose of sharing information is jeopardized. Establishment of some level of restriction ensures that information

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17

Article Example As asserted by Thoreau (para 18), injustice cases are counted-friction to the government machine because when found to have broken a particular law then the person is put in prison for unlimited period determined by the discretion of those who put one in the prison. Thoreau provides us with the story in jail so that we can visualize the poor rule of the state including its accusations for the example Thoreau’s roommate was accused of burning a barn and the tedious trial process (Thoreau para 28-35). Thoreau being in jail made him has various thoughts because he had never expected to be held and to be in custody for one night was like a novel. Thoreau (para 25) proposes that, it is ironical to the state to order Thoreau to pay a certain sum to support a clergyman whose preaching was attended by Thoreau’s father. This is effective in exposing to us the weakness of the state power. The majority view of the government is that most governments carry out its activities at its expediency as contrary to the minority as was the basis of Thoreau justice was democracy (Thoreau para 45). A Chinese philosopher who regarded that individual is the basis of empire is not Lao-Tzu but there is a progress to individual respect and such democracy is yet to be

Monday, July 22, 2019

The purpose of Johns Gospel Essay Example for Free

The purpose of Johns Gospel Essay To tell the truths about Jesus rather than recount the facts of his life. Critically examine and evaluate this claim concerning the purpose of the author of the Fourth Gospel. There are several alternative views about the purpose of Johns Gospel. I plan to examine the view that it was written to tell truths about Jesus, and discuss its likelihood within the context of some of the other theories. In order to assess this view of the gospels purpose, it is necessary to discuss for whom John was writing, as his purpose will hinge upon his audience. If he was writing so his audience could see and have faith in Jesus then he may well have been writing for unbelievers. Karl Bornhauer has proposed that the gospel was written as a straightforward missionary tract for unbelieving Jews. Only Jews, he claims, would have understood the document, because it is preoccupied with Jewish matters and omits any reference to the institution of the Christian rites of Baptism and the Lords Supper. In its final edition, the gospel was written in Greek, possibly because this is what Hellenistic Jews spoke. On these grounds, the gospel was written to convince Jews of the Christian claim that Jesus is the Messiah. Robinson agrees with this view but Smalley thinks that by the time this gospel was written, the Christian mission to Israel was largely over. The Jews featured in the gospel are Jesus enemies, not potential Christians while some believe in him (12:11) the majority are responsible for his death. Johns attitude to them would therefore have been polemical not missionary. This seems like a relevant view, also, because it is doubtful that John would have succeeding in converting these Jews by casting them into the role of Jesus enemies; he would merely have alienated them. Therefore I do not believe Johns Gospel was written to convert unbelieving Jews. Another theory, from Raymond Brown, is that John was addressing Diaspora Jewish-Christians; Greek speaking Jews already converted to Christianity, or those torn between their faith in Jesus and their loyalty to Judaism. They were mistrusted and seen as subversive to the law, and attempts were made to exclude them from the synagogue. The polemic against Jews would not apply to them, and the authors emphasis on Jesus as the Messiah and as the fulfilment of all the Jewish feasts and institutions would be a strength to their faith if they were allowed to remain in the synagogue, and an encouragement to them if they were forced to withdraw. There are three references to being put out of the synagogue in Johns Gospel, and two instances of those who overcame their fear of the Jews, and even at risk of expulsion from the synagogue, publicly acknowledged Jesus (the blind man, and Joseph of Arimathea). Jesus is also portrayed positively, attending festivals. Brown concludes that John is inviting Jewish-Christians in the synagogues of the Diaspora to follow the example of such people. However, despite the fact there is internal evidence to support this, it is unlikely these were the sole intended recipients. Smalley suggests that the gospel could also have been written for Christians, to challenge their faith, to encourage their belief and to help them grow into the Christian way of life. There is nothing exclusive about the gospel; its perspective is infinitely wide, and it may well have been intended for all Christians everywhere. It is, however, also possible that John was writing for a particular group around him, because his gospel was originally anchored in a real life situation which helped to shape its tradition, and caused its publication. Smalley thinks the Johannine church was made up of many disparate groups of people suffering under the Romans persecution. These groups included Judaisers, ex-heretics, ex Gnostics, those from Gentile and Jewish backgrounds and ex-pagans, but all were followers of the beloved disciple, and the purpose of writing a gospel for all of these people would be to reconcile them, and thus show the universality of Christianity. C H Dodd and C K Barrett are the two scholars most associated with the belief that John is a work of evangelism. The gospel itself states that it contains an evangelical purpose: so that you may believe Jesus is the Christ (20:31). Thus its main purpose would be to persuade people to grow in faith, (which is a different thing from belief). A discussion between Jesus and Thomas (20:26-28) seems to emphasise this Thomas sees because he believes. Jesus is saying that without actually seeing him on earth, faith is a spiritual perception. Thomas needs to see reality. This theme is running through the gospel, the light and dark imagery symbolising seeing faith, and demonstrating that Jesus is the light of the world and the source of eternal life. So, Smalley concludes that the gospel was written so that its readers could find out truths about Jesus and believe he is the life-giving Messiah (v 31). Dodd thinks the gospel is written in two parts, chapters 2 11 being the signs, and 12 20 b eing the passion. Thus Jesus is shown being glorified. It has been suggested that the gospel is a polemic or an apology, and according to Bultmann, one against the Baptist sect. Its main purpose would be to demonstrate the inferiority of John the Baptist to Jesus. John the Baptist is described only as a man sent from God (1:6) and his role is heavily played down in comparison with the synoptics Jesus, not John, is the light (1:8), the Baptist is neither the Christ nor the Elijah, but merely a crying voice (1:19-23), Jesus existed before John, and is greater (1:30), Jesus performed many signs, but John never worked a miracle (10:41). Only in this gospel does Jesus not get baptised. Therefore, the suggestion has been raised that Johns gospel was written to refute the claim of a Baptist group. Bultmann argues that the author of the gospel was a former Gnostic who had been part of a Baptist sect before becoming a Christian Gnosticism flourished in the 2nd Century and his disciples were given to Jesus. Smalley is very critical of this view, saying the only other evidence we have of a Baptist sect is in Acts 19, and this is debatable. Although it is possible there was a Baptist sect in the 3rd Century, this wasnt unusual judging by the other sects in existence e.g. Manichaeism and there is little evidence to suggest such a group created any real problem for the early Christian church. Furthermore, I do not think the author could have been meaning to downgrade John the Baptist, because he isnt mentioned very much the gospel is about Jesus. Another possibility is that the gospel is a polemic against heresy, in particular, against Gnosticism. Gnostic influences, or pre-Gnostic ideas, were brought to bear on the Christian gospel once it was carried from a Palestinian to a Graeco-Roman environment. We also know from Gnostic redeemer myths, in which deliverance from the lower world of matter is effected by a non-earthly, ideal, saviour figure and appropriated by knowledge, that such ideas when taken over by Christians involve a denial of the physical reality of Jesus in his life and death. Edwin Hoskyns argued the gospel was anti-Gnostic, as did E Scott, who thought John was basically a reinstatement of the Christian good news in Hellenistic terms. But he also found evidence that the author of John wrote to counteract heretical, Gnostic teachings he insists on the reality of Christs life, denies the Gnostic hierarchy of intermediate spiritual agencies, opposes the Gnostic idea that divine sonship is possible apart from t he Christ, avoids Gnostic watchwords, and so on. Barrett thinks John was writing whilst Gnosticism was developing; and essentially was trying to nip it in the bud before it really became successful (although Bultmann disagrees and thinks it was already established by c.100 AD). Gnostics, in general, think Jesus message is for an elite, and only some will get to Heaven. The author of John was clearly conscious of Gnosticism, and apparently not completely or directly critical of it he uses Gnostic imagery such as light and dark, heaven and earth, is sensitive to the importance of knowledge, and accepts a dualist framework for his theology of salvation. Bultmann believes that the author of John is actually a former Gnostic who is editing the sign source (which is the heart of the ministry), and that John uses a separate source from the synoptics, in which the signs do not feature. Bultmann thinks Gnosticism used the sign source too, but attached the redeemer myth to it. John is therefore editing out Gnostic influences, reclaiming the text this means that Gnosticism and John are similar, but the conclusion is different. So through using Gnostic ideas, John is actually showing that Christianity is universal. However, this to me does not hold much weight as an argument because the author has been so ambiguous he swings between supporting the Gnostic way of thought and opposing it. Had the author been writing a polemic, he would surely have left no doubt about his point. It has also been questioned whether John might have been trying to interpret or complement the synoptics, or perhaps going beyond them completely to write an ultimate gospel. Evidence for this is that it was part of Jewish tradition to write a commentary on something previous: Windisch and Lightfoot think it is an assumption to say that the author of Johns gospel used the synoptics as a source, (although John was written late, C 100 AD) and he might have used a non-synoptic sign source. Windisch thinks John was written, to supersede the synoptics, by a single author who must have known the gospel of Mark and other synoptic material. Windisch claimed John was autonomous and sufficient so might have been replacing them completely. Lightfoot developed this idea, but said that the synoptic gospels would have had too strong a position in church for Johns gospel to achieve this, and was only interpreting them, to draw out the significance of the original events. This was suggested long before by Clement of Alexandria, when he wrote of a spiritual gospel. I think the idea of interpretation is probably more likely than that of replacement, as John does not seem to be meant to be independent, but probably complements the synoptics. The title asks whether the purpose of Johns gospel was historicity or not. For a large part of history, it was not thought to be accurate in the modern historians sense, especially as St Clement of Alexandria referred to it as a spiritual gospel. Some events in John appear to occur in a different order to the synoptics, e.g. the last supper, which occurs at Passover in the synoptics but is first thing in John. But according to Lightfoot, the author was well aware of the historical truth lying at the heart of the Christian tradition, and even if he can sit lightly to subordinate aspects of his main historical subject, he may give us better guidance than the synoptics. Smalley has tried to answer the question by examining Acts: Martin Dibelius believes Acts is not historical at all, F F Bruce says it is a summary of history but a sanitised version. But why would an author write one factual gospel and one inaccurate gospel? Paul is the main character in Acts, and Pauls inaccurate writings seem to contradict. Galatians also mentions a missing journey to Arabia which Acts leaves out though according to Catchpole, this could have been because it wasnt successful. But Smalley points out that in Acts, the council of Jerusalem is mentioned, which isnt in Paul. This means Acts and Luke are probably not historical, so John could still be. Despite this, Schmeitzer has said that the only thing the gospel shows is that Jesus existed, not anything about him. I do not think this can be true judging by the apparent structure of the gospel. Smalley divided it up into four parts (the prologue, the ministry, the passion, and the epilogue). Guilding identified a two-year cycle within the narrative, although he thought it was a liturgy. However this does suggest history was important, or why would the author put the gospel into a historical context? The gospel has a clear time period, and mentions historical figures. Smalley identified that the author must have thought about structure as well, and said that the main purpose was to show who Jesus is (thus agreeing with the titles claim). Jesus performed miracles which C H Dodd called sign sources, and Smalley thinks that these, along with the discourses and the I am sayings, are meant to show the reader who Jesus actually is, and what his purpose is. None of these three things have a historical purpose, although John might be historically accurate, containing historical and geographical tracts. I could accept this view, as it allows for the miracles to be only literary devices, designed to show the role of Jesus. The gospel is certainly centred about Jesus, who seems to be acting as a pastor he cares about his people (as in Pauls letters). Smalley questions whether or not Johns Gospel contains the same kind of Kerygma as the rest of the New Testament writings. C H Dodd identified the Kerygma in early speeches of Peter in six different parts throughout Acts: 2:16-21, in which the Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled, 2:22-32 and 3:15, where it is stated that Jesus is from the Davidic line, 2:33-36 and 4:11, stating that Jesus is the lord, 2:33 and 2:38, in which the Holy Spirit is given, 3:20 and 10:42, where it proclaims that Jesus will return, and 2:38-40 and 3:19 which says man should repent their sins. In John, the Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled in John 1:1 and 1:14. 1:14 and 7:14 state that Jesus is from the Davidic line, 17:20-22 and 15:1-6 that Jesus is the lord, 20:21 that the Holy Spirit has been given, 6:39, 6:44, 14:3 that Jesus will return, and 20:31 that man should repent. C H Dodd thinks this Kerygma is in John, Peter and Paul. Smalley accepts it is there in John and Paul but thinks it is less developed. He also believes there is a significant difference between its presence in John and in Paul, because Jesus is supposed to be the second Adam in Paul, but John has a greater emphasis on surpassing Moses. He argues that the fourth gospel is much closer to the synoptics than to Paul, that Paul never saw the historical Jesus, only the risen Jesus, and is therefore incomplete. I would agree with Smalleys reasoning because in the Kerygma and in Paul there is little reference to Jesus historical life, so the purpose of the gospels might have been to put teachings of Jesus into a historical setting. In conclusion, it is impossible to be sure of the purpose of Johns Gospel, but it seems likely that the author wanted to communicate truths about Jesus, his role on earth, his divinity, etc. Smalleys views seem well supported by evidence, and I would agree that the gospel couldnt have been a purely historical account although it may well have a true frame of events. Surely spreading the good news about Jesus would be more important than relating everything he said and exactly as it happened. Robinson, who thought the gospel was written before the synoptics, said that historicity might have been a purpose, but not the main one. Most of those who think the synoptics came first will disagree and think Johns history is inaccurate, but as Brown as said, the accuracy is irrelevant, as the narrative frame is probably only there to strengthen teachings about Jesus.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Methods of DNA Identification

Methods of DNA Identification To isolate DNA from blood, saliva, buccal swab and betel quid by phenol-chloroform method and chelex method and compare the efficacy of both the methods. To carry out restriction digestion of the DNA samples isolated from above mentioned sources using the restriction enzyme EcoRI (G|AATTC) and identify individuals based on the pattern of restriction banding and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood, saliva, betel quid and buccal swab were collected from 15 patients and DNA isolation was done by phenol-chloroform method and chelexmethod. DNA fingerprinting was carried out using EcoRI restriction enzyme. RESULTS:  DNA could be extracted from residues of saliva, DNA fingerprinting done with the isolated DNA was able to match with those of individuals. Chelex method was found to be more efficient than the Phenol-chloroform method KEY WORDS: Betel Quid, Chelex method, DNA,DNA fingerprinting,Phenol chloroform method Introduction DNA fingerprinting  has ascertained an increasingly imperative role towards decision making in judiciary. DNA tests have helped convict suspects, to exonerate suspects or overturned previous convictions. Scientific evidences such as fingerprints, blood, semen, shreds of clothing, hair, weapons, tire tracks, and other physical evidence at the crime scene can be a more riveting to a tribunal than the testimony of an eyewitness. DNA is more suitable because DNA remains scathe lessin challenging environments where such evidence is found. The DNA molecule holds an impressive dependability to withstand time. 1 DNA profiling compares the DNA fragment lengths and patterns. The isolated DNA from the samples is fragmented using a restriction enzyme. Then the length of the resulting fragments is determined by electrophoresis and comparedby a visual interpretation of the pattern of DNA bands. 2 DNA can be sourced from freshblood, fresh or dried human buccalswabs, soft tissue, saliva and salivary stains. Optimizing the methodology in DNA extraction from various sources have been tried by many studies. Minute quantities of saliva allows establishing DNAprofile. 3DNA has been proven to be isolated from cell samples from objects that was in contact with the body and from sources like chewing gums, cigarettes, bite marks in foods, among others. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis provides details of the DNA which is referred as a DNA fingerprint. As DNA is unique to every individual, analyzing the sequence helps in identification of specific patterns of each individual. DNA profile is considered as valid evidence in the court of law for paternity disputes and human identification. Standardization of DNA extraction technique will improve the reliability and speed up sample processing time. 4-6 Limited availability of biological samples in a crime scenechallenges the procedure of extraction , characterization and analysis of DNA. Furthermore, difficulty arises in retrieving DNA from stains and degraded samples which provide contaminated or poor qualityDNA. Hence, purification of DNA from samples is still a significant step in obtaining useful genotypes. Notwithstanding, tremendous advances have been made in the recent times in DNA testing. 7 Chewed betel quid (BQ) stains are encountered frequently on crime scenes in Southeast Asian countries. Though the quid presents as an important biological evidence, the forensic analysis using betel quid as an evidence has been impeded due to difficulty in extraction of human DNA . Hence, constituting a definite method for extracting DNA from chewed Betel quid residues is of paramount importance. 8 Saliva found on victims of several violent crimes is a potential source of DNA. They can be recovered from bite marks, cigarette butts, betel quid, postage stamps, envelopes and other objects. However , salivary stains usually dry up easily becoming invisible, making recognition and collection difficult. Among the various biological sources available, salivary analysis have great discriminatory power and can be incorporated into a criminal investigation . Improvisation of DNA extraction procedures will improve its reliability and also help to expedite the process. The present study aims to isolate DNA from blood, saliva (under different conditions) by phenol chloroform method and chelex method and to find the efficacy of these methods in extraction of DNA from traces of saliva. 9,10 ISOLATION OF DNAFROM BLOOD AND SALIVA BY PHENOL CHLOROFORM METHOD : The DNA was extracted with an equal volume of phenol: chloroform: isoamyl alcohol. This mixture was centrifuged at 10000rpm for 5 minutes. The aqueous phase was collected and extracted with chloroform: isoamyl alcohol mixture and centrifuged at 10000rpm for 5 minutes. The supernatant was transferred to a new microfuge tube and 0. 6 volume of isopropanol was added. The spongy white precipitate was transferred to a microfuge tube and added equal volume of ethanol was added. Then it was centrifuged at 10000rpm at room temperature for 10 minutes. The supernatant was drained and to the pellet 100 µL of TE buffer was added stored at 4 °C. ISOLATION OF DNAFROM BLOOD AND SALIVA BY CHELEX METHOD: 0. 5 ml of whole blood was collected in 2 ml tube and the cells are harvested by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 3 min. at 4 °C. The supernatant was discarded. 0. 8 ml TBP buffer was added to the collection tube, vortexed gently, then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 3 minutes, supernatant was discarded. The next stepwas continued if the blood pellet looks mauve 0. 5 ml of TBM buffer was added to the tube, and vortexed followed by addition of 3  µLof proteinase K and incubated at 55 °C for 30 minutes. The sample was centrifuged for 2 minutes at 5000 rpm and the supernatant saved to 2 ml tube and then added 260  µL of absolute ethanol. The mixture was applied to EZ-10 column, centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 1 minute; discarded the flow in the collection tube. 500  µL of wash solution was added and centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 1 minute. This step was repeated spin at 8000 rpm for an additional minute to remove residual amount of wash solution. The column was placed into a clean 1. 5 ml microfuge tube and 30  µL of elution buffer was added into the center part of membrane . The tube was incubated at 50 °C for 2 minutes centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 1 minute to elute the DNA from the column The standards and samples were removed from the freezer and thawed. In a separate sterile 1. 5 ml microfuge tube for each standard/sample, 10  µl of DNA was mixed with 990  µl of D. I. water and vortexed . The solution was allowed to stand for 10 minutes to ensure the complete diffusion of DNA throughout the solution. This represents a 1:100 dilution of the standards and the DNA samples. B. DNAquantification The DNA sample was briefly vortexed and the solution wastransfered to the cuvette of the spectrophotometer with care not to create bubbles. The cuvette is inserted into the spec ensuring the correct face of the cuvette is in line the light beam. . An absorbance reading appears on the screen . Reading is continued until all standards and samples have been quantified. The concentration of DNA in the sample is determined according to the conversion factor (A260 of 1. 0 = 50  µg ml-1 DNA). The concentration of DNA in the sample can be read as  µg/mL using the conversion factor and dilution factor . RESTRICTION DIGESTION: Restriction enzyme buffer was vortexed before pipetting to ensure that it was well-mixed and was added to the tube . Appropriate amount of DNA to be cut wasvortexed before pipetting to ensure that it was well-mixed and was added to the tube. After vortexingthe enzyme to ensure that it was well-mixed 1 ÃŽ ¼L of enzyme EcoRIwas added. The mixture is placed in thermal cycler (Eppendorf) for2-3 hour incubation at 37 °C . To heat inactivate the enzyme the mixture is maintained at 80 °C for 20 min. The mixture is kept at 4 °C until the reaction mixture is out of the thermal cycler. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Protocol Preparation of the agarose gel 1. 25 g Agarose powder was taken in 500 ml flask and 125 ml of TAE Buffer was added to it. The mixture is melted in hot water bath till a clear solution forms. The solution is allowed to cool to a temperature of 50-55 °C by periodic swirling to achieve even cooling. To it ethidium bromide solution was added. The ends of the casting tray are sealed with two layers of tape. The combs are placed in the gel casting tray. The melted agarose solution was poured into the casting tray and allowed to cool until it is solid. The comb and the tape are removed carefully. The gel is placed in the electrophoresis chamber. 2-3 mm of TAEBuffer is added over the gel. Loading the gel 6 à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l of 6X Sample Loading Buffer is added to each DNA sample containing tubes. 20 à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l of each sample is pipetted into separate wells in the gel. 10 à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l of the DNA ladder standard is pippeted into one well of each row on the gel. Running the gel The lid is place on the gel box, the electrode wires are connected to the power supply. The power supply is turned on to about 100 volts. To ensure the correct direction of the current, the movement of the blue loading dye is checked. The power supply is continued till the blue dye approaches the end of the gel. The wires are disconnected from the power supply. The lid is removed from the electrophoresis chamber. Using gloves, gel is carefully removed and observed in a transilluminator for the DNA bands. RESULTS: Isolation of DNA was done from blood ,fresh saliva, saliva stored at -20 °C, saliva stored at 37 °C for 24hrs ,buccal swab and betel quid by both the phenol-chloroform method and the chelex method. . Gel electrophoresis of the isolated genomic DNA was carried out on 0. 8% agarose gel. (figure 1) After restriction digestion electrophoresis gel is prepared to run and to identify the number of bands. DNA samplesobtained from blood were labelled as Aband subsequently as Bb,Cb, DbEbas shown in table 2. DNA obtained from fresh saliva were labelled as As,Bs, Cs, Ds,Es. DNA obtained from saliva stored at -20 degree were labeled as AfsBfsCfsDfs. Efs. DNA obtained from saliva stored at room temperature were labelled as Ads,BdsCdsDdsEds DNA obtained from bloodof 5 individuals was made to run in the well marked 1 to 5 in a uniform manner ie DNA obtained from the first individual named as Ab, was made to run in well No. 1 . DNA obtained from second individual named as Bb was made to run in well No. 2 DNA obtained from third individual named as Cb was made to run in well No . 3. DNA obtained from fourth individual named as Db was made to run in as well No- 4. DNA obtained from Fifth individual namedEbwas made to run in well No. 5. (table 2) But while running DNA obtained from saliva of different sources the order was changed randomly. For example DNA isolated from fresh saliva for the first individual (As) instead of being run in the first well ie well No -6 was made to run in the third well( well no 8) and DNA isolated from saliva stored at -20 degree for the first individual(Afs) instead of being run in the first well ie well No-11was made to run in the third well (well No. 13)and DNA isolated from saliva stored at room temperature for the first individual(Ads) instead of being run in the first well ie well No-16 was made to run in the fifth well (well No. 20). Likewise DNA isolated from different sources of saliva of different individuals made to run in different wells and the number of bands produced is identified . From the figure 1 it could be identified that the well number 1,8 ,13,20 corresponding to DNA isolated from the first individual from various sources named Ab AsAfs Ads identified by the yellow arrow has uniformly three bands. For the well number 2,7,14,19 corresponding to DNA isolated from the second individual from various sources named BbBsBfsBds identified by the blue arrow has uniformly 6 bands . various DNA isolated from the fifth individual from various sources namedEbEsEfsEds identified by the green arrow has uniformly 4 bands . From the above figure itcould be identified that the well number 1,10 corresponding to DNA isolated from different source for the first individual named Ab,AbS,identified by the yellow arrow has uniformly four bands. For the well number 2 and 6 corresponding to DNA isolated from second individual from blood and buccal swab named BbBbSl identified by the blue arrow has uniformly 6 bands . For the well number 3 and 7corresponding to DNA isolated from third individual from blood and buccal swab namedCbCbS identified by the red arrow has uniformly 5 bands . For the well number 4and 8 corresponding to DNA isolated from fourth individual from blood and buccal swab named DbDbs,identified by the aqua arrow has uniformly 7 bands. For the well number 5and 9 corresponding to DNA isolated from fifth individual from blood and buccal swab named EbEbsE identified by the green arrow has uniformly 8 bands . This shows that DNA obtained from an individual from blood and buccal swab produce uniform banding pattern. This shows that DNA obtained from an individual from various source produce uniform banding pattern . Identification of individual from traces of saliva which could be used for forensic application -Extraction of DNA from Buccal swab. Restriction digestion with Ecor-1 from extracted DNA obtained from above mentioned source has been done for identifying individuals. Blood was used as a control and compared with DNA bands from buccal swab. A total of 10 wells were created. DNA obtained from blood wer e labeled as Ab, Bb,Cb, Db,Ebas shown in tab 3. DNA obtained from Buccal swab were labeled as Abs,Bbs, Cbs, Dbs, Ebs. DNA obtained from blood from 5 individuals was made to run in the well marked 1 to 5 in a uniform manner. But while running DNA obtained from buccal swab the order was changed randomly. For example DNA isolated from buccal swab for the first individual (Abs) instead of being run in the first well ie well No -6 was made to run in the fifth well( well no 10). Likewise DNA isolated from buccal swab of different individuals was made to run in different wells and the number of bands produced is identified Different methods of DNA extraction is been followed in that, most widely used is phenol chloroform method . Many new methods of DNA extraction have been tried. The chelex method is one among then . To know the efficacy of the chelex method it was compared with that of phenol chloroform method. Of the two methods studied the chelex method proved to be more easy to handle and less time consuming in addition to yieds higher amount of DNA and is proved by quantification with U. V spectrometer as shown in fig. 2. DISCUSSION: Forensic odontology is a branch of forensics which analyses stains and organic liquids from the oral cavity or its contents, bite mark comparison, investigation of trauma and oral injuries such as personal injury cases, and dental malpractice. The fundamental requirement of a criminal investigation is that the victim and aggressor should be positively identified. Forensic dentistry aids in the forensic process by comparing the deceaseds dentition with that of previous dental records or by facilitating to shape the profile of an individual in terms of age at the time of death, sex and phylogeny to aid in identification. 11,12 Saliva has been a potential source of identification and is usually found in bite marks, cigarette butts, betel quid, postage stamps, envelopes and other objects. The first phase of the study intended to isolate DNA from saliva (under different conditions), by phenol-chloroform method and chelex method and compare the yield with that of blood . The second objective was to find out efficacy of these methods in extraction of DNA from traces of saliva ie from Buccal swab, and from Betel quid and which could be used for forensic application. 8 The presence of residues are considerably important as biological evidences, but forensic analysis of such evidences has been hindered by failures in extraction of human DNA. Consequently, it is indispensable in forensic science to establish a reliable method for extracting DNA from samples collected at the crime site. The most important objective was whether individuals can be identifed from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics. 13,14 Blood was taken as control, saliva was divided into 3 parameters ie from fresh saliva, from saliva stored at -20 degree for24 hr from saliva stored in room temperature for 24 hr’s were obtained . Identification of individual has been done with restriction enzyme EcoRI. . The isolated DNA was digested using the restriction enzyme EcoRI(G|AATTC)The digested DNA was run on 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and the bands produced in each individuals DNA were scored and is proved that identification of individual can also be done by DNA fingerprinting or profiling. Agarose gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments according to their size. The most important objective was whether individuals can be identified from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics. 16 DNA fingerprinting is a technique that is used to represent like and unlike DNA that is present in different individuals. Nucleotide sequences which show significant variation from one individual to another are taken into consideration. 17The most important objective of the study was to ascertain whether individuals can be identified from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics and the last objective was toCompare the DNA yield from manual and kit method. To prove that DNA could be extracted from traces of saliva , Buccal swab and Beetal quid was used . DNA could be extracted from buccal swab,beetal quid and quantification was done with U. V spectrometer. Comparison of DNA isolated from all the samples collected from all the individual using two different procedures has been done and comparison of yield of different sources showed the kit method to be more effective . Use of biological evidences like saliva, buccal swab and betel quid are compromised due to the quandary in extraction of human DNA. The present study had proved to establish a reliable method for extracting DNA from samples collected from different sources of saliva and from traces of salivary stains which was comparable to bloodin proving identification. Samples collected from different sources of saliva and from traces of salivary stains can also be assessed by DNA fingerprinting or profiling which is based on the fact that DNA is unique to every individual .

Systematized Integration of Credit Reference Agencies

Systematized Integration of Credit Reference Agencies Table of Contents (Jump to) Abstract Introduction The Problem Case Studies/Examples Nigeria Tanzania Kenya Uganda Solutions/Synthesis Conclusion With unprecedented growth and an increasingly competitive global community on the horizon, Africa’s economic revolution is intimately linked to their fiscal capabilities. It is within this broad spectrum of economic expansion that businesses and individuals are directly linked to their capacity to borrow and reinvest capital into sustainable endeavors. African nationals have endured centuries of political and economic turmoil, finally reaching a precipice from which to launch a reformative program which supports internal growth and global competition. Credit reference agencies play an intricate role in this restructuring, as provision of finance is entirely dependent on their historic records and the collaborative efforts of the loosely knit African banking community. This paper explores examples of internal frailties within the credit system and proposes solutions towards overcoming inadequate resources through systematized integration of credit reference agencies. As the British and French colonists sailed away from Africa’s northern shore, they left behind their legacy, one of tumult and uncertainty. The development of Africa’s political and economic structure in the wake of colonial oppression has been a difficult and war-stricken path, one which remains uncertain and ambiguous today. Ultimately, however, in order to support some of the world’s most populated regions, the foundation for economic security and opportunity must be laid and supported. Recognizing that the incidence of poverty throughout Africa is unacceptable and consistently counterproductive, the inefficiencies within the African conglomerate system demand revision; and through dramatic reform mechanisms, sustainable industry and globally directed participation will ensure that African nationals are given an opportunity to escape their impoverished existence. Yet there remain a wide range of conflicting solutions, many of which are directly related to the very colonial heritage which placed African countries in this predicament to begin with. The future of economic growth for these citizens is directly linked to the available funding which can be proffered for development of business and expansion of industry. Currently, funding methods are limited to informal requisition stemming from the family and friends of entrepreneurs seeking materials and startup capital. As banks hoard their capital in light of the extremely high number of historic defaults which they have endured, the industry must turn to more strategic methods of evaluating the potential recipient and continue to expand their lending operations. There is a pervasive lack of credit reference agencies throughout the African continent which continues to detract from bank confidence levels and the availability of funding for activation of economic growth. Given the competitive nat ure of the global environment, inspiring industrial advances should be at the forefront of governmental strategy as in order to maintain the recent financial successes which have sustained incremental poverty reduction, participation on a global scale is becoming a necessity. In spite of the hesitation and challenges which surrounds the creation of translatable credit reference agencies, the future of the African national depends on the wealth of information which they will come to retain. As enterprise is directly dependent on available investment funds, participants continue to seek methods of revenue generation, and through well-informed credit outlets, the participative nature of expanding economics will enable entrepreneurs and businesses to expand their berth and actively compete on a much more even playing field. As Africa as a whole continues to struggle against rampant economic instability, popular theories recognize a variety of insufficiencies, including lack of available infrastructure, inadequate educational facilities and programs, and limited health care opportunities as main failures within the collaborative regime. There is, however, another piece of the African economic puzzle which has yet to evolve to meet modern competitive expectations, and that is the systematized inclusion of credit reference agencies and their foundation support mechanisms in the development of commerce and private finance. From a historic perspective, the early development of credit initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa was entirely localized to a protective function of selective credit allocation. It was within this framework that central banks and government controlled credit mechanisms were strictly regulated, leading to substantial economic decline in the ‘80’s and ‘90’s (McDonald and Schumacher, 2007). Ultimately, banking institutions were used as a domestic funding mechanism for government programs and initiatives; however, this reduction of financial resources meant a limited availability of capital for private borrowers and desirous businesses. As developing economies evolve rapidly through a structure of industry generation, perhaps the most important component is found within the definitive walls of small to medium enterprise (SME’s), and their inclusion in growth and capital contribution is essential to stabilize a burgeoning economy (Quintyn, 2008). African economies developed in spite of lackluster credit programs, as government borrowing reformed dramatically to include the much more liquid and readily available foreign capital market in addition to foreign aid. Beraho (2007) cites the colonial legacy as a direct determinant of the modern economic frailties of Sub-Saharan Africa. Ultimately, the influence of colonial overseers was immediately entrenched in the assumed economic structure during periods of instability following the post-colonial independence. The extreme poverty which accompanied post-colonial activity left African nations rich in natural resources but limited in capacity for export and financial generation. In response, domestic debt, a form of government sustenance, has been credited with substantial reduction of available capital for lending purposes. Across Sub-Saharan Africa, the ratio of debt to broad money has held constant at 40%, dramatically reducing available financial resources for financing and supp orting private initiatives (Christensen, 2004). Escaping the confines of such imbalances has been a slow and difficult process; however, as foreign aid programs and the World Bank become increasingly involved, reform is slowly achieved. Mylenko (2008) notes that given the stabilization of the African macroeconomy as well as lower inflation and improved government treasury monitoring and regulation, banks have been increasingly able to turn towards lending opportunities. Africa is represented by the world’s most rapidly growing, yet equitably expiring population, and is limited by inefficiencies in their structural systems as they are characterized as â€Å"the world’s hardest working yet least productive† people (Kolo, 2006, p. 596). It is from this inefficient system that severe poverty has overwhelmed a diverse and frustrated people and continued limitations spawn from inappropriate fiscal programs and activities. There is a sustained movement towards more supportive programs, and much of the fiscal evolution over the past decades in Sub-Saharan Africa has been regulated and guided by intra-national monetary unions. Participants in the WAEMU (West African Economic and Monetary Union) include Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote D’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo. Other monetary unions include the WAMZ (West African Monetary Zone) represented by Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, as well as the CEMAC (Economic and Monetary Union of Central Africa) inclusive of Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon. It is extremely important to recognize these collaborative monetary efforts given the expanding nature of modern credit reference agencies, as bank collaboration intra-monetarily is a direct representation of the expansionary reality which demonstrates potential for additional corroboration. Analysis of performance in dicators over the history of these African Monetary Unions offers substantial implications for other developing nations. Comparatively, the average inflation differential equates to between 8 and 10 percentage points lower in comparison to other low to medium income nations (Gosh et al., 2006). Interestingly, researchers equate the majority of this reduction to monetary discipline, while approximately twenty percent is relative to international confidence levels given the combinative national participation (Gosh et al., 2006). The development of private finance over the past decade has occurred as a direct result of revised fiscal policies throughout the African continent including the combined efforts of multi-national partnerships. There remains, however, a significant piece of the credit market puzzle which has yet to evolve into a supportive and extensively viable practice, and that is the creation and practice of credit reference agencies. The nature of such entities is one from which both consumer and lender confidence is fully integrated into the business cycle and default is directly undermined by the framework of the system itself. Data demonstrates that the issuance of private sector credit in Sub-Saharan Africa declined in a period between 1980 and 2004 from 15.6 percent of GDP to 15.1; comparatively, growth rates in Asia more than doubled, elevating private sector credit levels to over 40 percent of GDP, and in Latin America, incidence grew by over 50 percent, elevating levels to over 20 percen t of GDP (â€Å"Regional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa,† 2008). There exists a pitfall of significant registry deficiency which continues to detract from the participative efforts of banks and credit reference agencies. Given the nature of Africa’s structural evolution, emphasis has slowly begun to shift towards national registries which incorporate accurate reference for mortgages and property data so as to accurately integrate collateral data into the developing structure of credit agencies (Sacerdoti, 2005). Ultimately, these registries are essential to establishing a standardized framework of collateral and credit reform. McDonald and Schumacher (2007) have determined that there is a complimentary relationship between credit issuance and the strength of creditor rights, namely the culpability and recoup potential given the incidence of default. As much of African credit heritage is characterized by default, there is little room for modern programs to allow continued systematic failures. The nature of credit reference agencies opportune an evolve structure from which to ensure compliance and stabilize a deviant legacy of poor payment history. The challenges which face Africa begin with its current lack of structural capacity, namely registration, standardized policy and legislation, and the volatile nature of government organizations. To overcome the credit crisis and define an effective program, evolution of African economic structures including opportunities for entrepreneurs and SME’s will be essential parts of the rehabilitiation. One method which has already generated support and shown long term successes is that of microenterprise and microfinance loans. Rhyne and Otero (1994) recognize that in spite of the arbitrary nature of its definition, that microenterprise is generally accepted as a company with less than ten employees and is relegated to the non-agricultural sector of the business community. Additionally, these businesses are oftentimes a source of income which arise where no alternative method for financial gain is available. Given the extreme impoverishment within the African borders, implementing s upportive programs is an essential tactic, one which will offer long term stability and positive reform mechanisms for a needy and desirous population. This paper seeks to identify some of the more prominent systematic failures within specific African infrastructures through specific case studies and devise strategy for evading, manipulating, and evolving such systems to meet financial demand and overcome the credit dilemma. Ultimately, the solutions herein recognize the necessity of credit reference agencies and through the integration of such programs, solutions can be drawn from which to prioritize their sustainability. As integrating credit bureaus and agencies into a frail infrastructure is a long term goal, identifying the key areas of potential failure prior to inception is essential to prudent and productive creation. Ultimately, the findings of this paper determine that given the nature of globalized capitalism, credit reference agencies offer a singular solution from which to pull Africa from the depths of poverty and define its prosperous multinational future. While foreign aid and government reform will assist to waylay many of Africa’s social problems, the only true option for overcoming extreme economic difficulties is through supportive initiatives which redistribute opportunities for wealth among the people who truly need sustainable financial sustenance. In order to ensure that such distribution is appropriately allocated, the historic nature of the credit reference agency will ensure that banks and credit corporations have adequate reference from which to offer the necessary funds for generation of commerce and industry. The following section represents a sample set of a diverse grouping of African participants. Each of these nations has undergone periods of remarkable recovery yet remains limited in this credit reference agency participation. While developmentally exploiting both natural and human resources to overcome the throes of poverty, these nations have yet to fully extract their legacy from the limiting factors which have undermined social and economic efforts for the past decades. Nigeria Nigeria represents a nation of over 144,700 million inhabitants of which over 54 percent currently live in abject poverty (World Bank, 2008). Endeavoring to stabilize their vacillating economy, government leaders have embarked upon a process of economic reform and consolidation over the past decade with decidedly positive results. Much of the evolution of this economy owes its legacy to the rising oil prices and increased exports in this area as demand continues to pay dividend to a resource rich Nigerian population. Unfortunately, there are other limiting constraints which continue to undermine rapid economic evolution on a broad scale, and as the population continues to grow at an annual rate of over 2.4%, there remains significant opportunity for developing internal modes of sustenance and advanced and sustainable industries to push the Nigerian economy forward (World Bank, 2008). Exemplary of the limiting factors now facing the Nigerian people, the lack of a substantial credit system, and importantly, credit reference agency, has historically undermined entrepreneurial efforts and small to medium enterprise, the keys to sustained economic growth. Before the 2005 consolidation period, over 20% of loans made by Nigerian banks were non-performing, as opposed to the remarkable decline of this negative incidence to just over 8.4% in 2007 (Corbett, 2008). It is a direct result of this negative outlook towards loan participants that the Credit Reference Company of Nigeria has been created in past years which utilizes a network of 11 banks to standardize the systematic handling of customer information and credit history. Pre-consolidation Nigerian banks could not fund long term projects due to their short term capital capabilities, in recent years, this process has now evolved to include 10-20 year loans, thereby enabling infrastructural development and social reform (Corbett 2008). As the majority of Nigerian nationals have limited desire to trust their savings to the banking system, much of the evolution over the past years has required significant adjustment in public perspective and a necessary increase in consumer confidence. In Nigeria, private sector credit and banking deposits have doubled since the 2005 banking consolidation and the number of banking branches have increased by over one third (IMF Country Report, 2008). As a testament to the efforts at financial modernization, the expansion of this banking network is a direct indication of a necessitated communication network, one which has the capacity to share consumer information and at the same time, retain the privacy of these participants. Indicative of the evolving perception regarding credit and modern purchasing methods, in 2004, Nigeria recorded less than 50,000 credit card transactions per month as opposed to the remarkable growth to over 51,000,000 per month that were recorded in March of 200 8 (â€Å"Nigeria; The Rise of the Card Payment System,† 2008). Yet these charges are not representative of an extension of credit and simply attest to the acceptance of electronic payment processing as inhabitants continue to support alternate modes of payment. Unfortunately, in spite of bank and economic reform, poverty levels are holding at approximately 55 percent of the Nigerian population, further exacerbated by limited resources available given the rising population and under capitalized infrastructural reform (IMF Country Report, 2008). It is within the incapacitated growth mechanisms that Nigerian credit reference agencies are most needed, as funding unprecedented reform requires the capabilities which can only be imbued through finance and bank funding mechanisms. Recognizing the SME’s hold a key to Nigerian development, there is continued support for credit based initiatives from which to extend financial opportunities to these developing industries. The IFC (International Finance Corporation), a World Bank affiliate continues offer its partnership as Nigeria strives to develop and maintain consumer data, their efforts intimately linked with the economic future of the nation. Tanzania Tanzania, a much smaller nation than Nigeria, is represented by a population of over 39.5 million inhabitants, over 36 percent of whom live below the poverty line (World Bank, 2008). Equally representative of the reformation efforts of developing African countries, Tanzania has endeavored to undergo structural evolution in the past few decades, actively pursuing economic opportunity for its population who continues to expand by around 2.6 percent annually. One of the most significant failures within the Tanzanian system has been the lack of property registry. The World Bank (2005) reported that 90 percent of nationals could not be located through property registry and only had six national offices at their disposal for registry purposes, each fraught with unnecessary and â€Å"irrelevant red tape.† Given this lack of registry foundation, there is little collateral leverage to be gained by participating in government registration programs, therefore, citizens do not find overwh elming motivation or desire to legalize their claims to land. Additionally, the World Bank (2005) notes that there is limited liquidity of property rights for similar reasons of registration difficulties and obscure transference policies, therefore, entrepreneurs have limited opportunity to leverage their properties and gain the initial financing needed for startup capital. Characteristic of more widespread African credit issues, only 4 percent of respondents in a recent survey claimed access to trade credit as a source of start-up finances, thereby placing all required resources directly at the informal level and limited to a partnered initiative between friends and private investors (Sharma and Upneja, 2005). This failure within the credit system is directly related to the lack of credit reference agencies and the supportive information they could provide; however, given the state of the Tanzanian recording structure, there seems to be a much more pressing issue of registry and records to overcome before such projects can become a reality. In addition to the failure to support corporate trade credit, there is an overall limitation which is obvious when considering the widespread state of Tanzanian credit. More formal data recognized private credit initiatives at 8 percent of GDP in 2005; however, comparatively Kenya’s private credit in the same period was over 23 percent of GDP (World Bank, 2005). The lack of lending directly correlates to the lack of creditor rights and available, traceable collateral for loans. As default rates continue to undermine any efforts towards credit system evolution, there remains a substantial field of doubt which overwhelms banks and their lending efforts. Given the disconnect between small businesses and reception of credit from Tanzanian banks, the ability to start and maintain a business in the modern environment is extremely limited and continues to be undermined by a lack of capital. Most concerning is that given the lack of external funding, disposable income or working capital is thereby reintegrated into the business and utilized for daily refurbishments as available. Tanzanian business owners are therefore limited by both the economic factors which drive the success of their business, and their own personal integration into the business operations through consummation of personal finance, lack of new equipment and materials, and inability to improve upon current models to evolve standards to more modern efficiencies (Sharma and Upneja, 2005). These failures are a direct result of the Tanzanian credit crisis and requite the inclusion of a well positioned credit reporting agency in order to ensure that SME’s have sustaine d opportunities for generating much needed investment capital. One of the most remarkable advances which has sustained the fleeting, but evolving stability that is becoming visible within the Tanzanian infrastructure is the adjustment of government funding from domestic lending to foreign sources and foreign aid (Sharma and Upneja, 2005; World Bank, 2005). Eliminating this form of consequential taxation on bank reserves has expanded the Tanzanian opportunity for investment and greater private funding. Unfortunately, characteristic of other African nations, a lack of any form of credit reference agency prevents broad based credit dispersion among citizens and thereby limits loans to corporations and larger scale economic participants. Tanzania currently has plans to develop and establish an operational credit reference databank by the end of June, 2009 in order to extend credit into the private sector. The extension of private credit is currently projected to increase around 22 percent per year yet is entirely linked to governmental stability and internal mechanisms of fiscal policies (â€Å"United Republic of Tanzania: Third Review Under the Policy Support Instrument,† 2008). The nature of finance is derived from available resources which can be distributed for a nominal return. Given the current state of government spending, this opportunity is more realistic today than it has ever been; however, the Tanzanian government must evade the pitfalls of internal borrowing in order to enable these funds to be distributed among industrial participants, thereby facilitating the expansion of industry and inclusion of additional commerce in the resource limited business sector. Kenya Kenya is a nation of similar size to Tanzania, boasting a population of just over 36.6 million people, yet over 55.5 percent of these inhabitants live below the poverty line (Population Reference Bureau, 2008). Most significant in Kenya’s modern history, political unrest and lacking economic growth have continued to undermine efforts of reform and population support mechanisms. Credit considerations are simply another indication of the limited capabilities which a tumultuous nation has to overcome its financial and social deficits. In 2003, over one third of all bank loans were considered non-performing (NPL’s), directly undermining the lending power of institutions, as well as enhancing the proclivity for default among participants (â€Å"Kenya: Bankers Unveil Plan to Keep Tabs on Borrowers,† 2007). In spite of the frail political economy, currently the development of a credit reference bureau is in its advanced stages, as recognizing the merits of such collabor ative information sharing, Kenyan banks actively seek to minimize risk and improve their loan to repayment ratios. Remarkably, in Kenya, over recent decades exceptional opportunities have evolved for entrepreneurial credit extension as startup capital and materials costs represent a substantial portion of business success ratios. Kenyan extension of credit is significantly higher than other African regions as over 85 percent of businesses currently have opportunity to borrow from their providers (World Bank, 2004). These surveyed corporations, while a representation of Kenyan businesses, offer an optimistic perspective on the future of industry and finance. Given the relative youth of the Kenyan population with 4 out of every 10 citizens being under the age of 15, there is substantial opportunity to ensure that financial resources are available for these growing future business owners (Population reference Bureau, 2008). Ultimately, Kenya presents a fairly optimistic outlook for the future of credit extension and opportunities for broad scale industrial financing; however, the completion and full integration of their credit reference bureau stands to offer the most reliable statistics after its inception later this year. Uganda Uganda, a nation of 29.9 million citizens, has continued to experience substantial population growth over the past decade, holding near 3.2 percent, a number significantly advanced from other referenced African nations (World Bank, 2008). Of significant concern to the development of a progressive Ugandan infrastructure, trade credit plays an intricate part in sustaining emerging business and defining industrial evolution. Current statistics demonstrate that only 60 percent of firms have access to this capital as material providers must, themselves, be supplied with the external financial means from banking institutions to extend such credit (World Bank, 2004). When firms are afforded the opportunity to borrow directly from banking institutions, the interest fees associated with such loans are oftentimes overwhelmingly costly and therefore, detract from the efficacy of such endeavors. Overwhelmingly, the inadequacies within the Ugandan credit structure can be directly attributed to a lack of credit tracking mechanisms, and thereby, the capacity for benchmarking and substantiation of creditworthiness. Researchers note that over 40 percent of all loans held in Uganda have a maturity date of one year or less; and of those firms who to receive loans, over 60 percent of all participants are required to post collateral as a loan prerequisite (World Bank, 2004). Essentially, this extreme precedence of default aversion represents an obvious inadequacy in the Ugandan credit reporting system, as given more stringent standards and a confluence of bank participants, protection mechanisms would become fully integrated with the reporting system, providing a deterrence net to reduce defaults through natural and appropriate fiscal processes. Characteristic of many African nations, the pervasive nation of credit doubt in terms of default and repayment potential is an indication of the necessity for credit reference agency construction. As lenders seek to develop new streams of available capital, Ugandan SME’s represent an expanding opportunity, however, they will require support from struc tural evolution in order to ensure their continued operation. There are extreme challenges presented by the African credit woes, most of which will not be overcome through foreign aid or current infrastructure development programs. Indicated by the nations herein, there is substantial need for integration of credit reference agencies into the structure of these modernizing nations; specifically, there is a need for support of small to medium enterprise and the merits of developing an economy through advanced and evolving industry. Ultimately, determining a singular solution to the credit crisis is impossible, however, by coupling several key zones of evolution into a targeted plan of action, the potential for sustained advancement becomes a much more plausible reality. Quintyn (2008) noted that other developing nations who have evolved through similar credit challenges have utilized a form of hub and spoke credit agency system from which to operate these units with limited startup capital required for each branch. In its â€Å"Regional Economic Outlook† (2008), the IMF recognizes that there is a need for leveraged reference agencies, specifically those who are sustained by a technologically advanced central hub yet localize their economy of scale operations in areas of public access. Given the limited nature of credit agencies, a hub and spoke system would reduced the cost of a credit report by $ 2-5 and allow firms the opportunity to extend credit more freely given the support base of their regional offices. The IMF (2008) also recognizes that current credit offerings are only 200,000 people out of every 15 million, a direct result of a lack of credit data and agency interaction within the modern banking structure. In order to overcome the geographical, political, and economic constraints which undermine the constructs of a successful African credit program, the continuity of credit reporting policies across geographic lines must be maintained. While banking unions have taken the initiative to link participants, there remain additional opportunities for broad scale communication expansion and technically advanced sharing techniques which protect both the consumer and the bank from fraud. In spite of the banking cooperatives which are integrated into the Western and Central African economic structures, there remains a difficult framework for monetary exchange outside of these conglomerates. Pervasive in widespread Sub-Saharan fiscal analysis, the necessity of a central banking structure continues to challenge unorganized methods of bank-dominated financial systems. The application of such a combinative operation is one which would assist in the integration of regional credit reference agencies with centralized control mechanisms. This transformation of the informal structure into a more systematized and coordinated pragmatism would generate synergies between monetary policy and banking oversight, thereby establishing a supervisory committee while propagating a bank dominated industry (Quintyn, 2008). The central oversight which is lacking in terms of African banks is basically a function of communicable objectives, a framework which is essential when considering the n ature of investing in economic futures. African capacity for growth is readily foreseeable, however, there must be an active pursuit of this evolution, one which directly integrates the unique partnerships of a banking network and captures communicative data which is readily available across geographic lines. There is a continued deficit within the African lending structure, one which demands reform and challenges banks to contin